DS Plus, Fast bactericide-fungicide for surfaces in food industry

Fast bactericide-fungicide for surfaces in food industry

DS Plus

DS Plus is a liquid product for disinfection by spraying surfaces and materials that have to be decontaminated frequently or in cases in which for particular reasons disinfectants cannot be applied by direct contact. Use in food industry and environmental use. Contact disinfection: surfaces and equipment. User category: professional personnel and specialized professional personnel (the product in a format greater than 5 l has to be applied by specialized professional personnel, except in those cases where there is no handling and the product is used through a dosing system). Meets the standard UNE-EN 13697 in clean conditions for the microorganisms Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus hirae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Meets the standard UNE-EN 14476 in clean conditions for the organisms Adenovirus type 5 and Norovirus murino, so it is active against encapsulated viruses (category to which the coronaviruses belong). Registration number 22-20/40-06527 and 19-20/40-06527 HA.

Cloro tabletas 90%

Cloro tabletas 90%

Cloro 55% acción rápida

Cloro 55% acción rápida



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eqo Cocinas Multiusos

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Eco Clinn

Kris 3

Kris 3